10 Top Vastu Tips For Wealth And Health

Vastu Tips For Wealth And Health

Vastu Tips For Wealth And Health : By following vastu tips for wealth and health one can achieve the goal of wealth and Health. Here are some useful tips for wealth and health..

  1. No. 1 Vastu tips for wealth and health is that your main door should be well maintained like while opening and closing it should not make noise. To ensure smooth opening and closing it should be oiled regularly.
  2. No. 2 vastu tip for wealth and health is TO ATTRACT WEALTH AND HEALTH, your main door should have a name plate of your name so that opportunities can find you easily.
  3. No. 3 vastu tip for your wealth and health is to keep open space in your north, east and North- East of your house, as these directions are most auspicius direction as per vastu shastra.
  4. No. 4 vastu tip for wealth and health is keep your “brham sthan” ( centre ) of your place always open, nothing should be kept at brahm sthan.
  5. No. 5 vastu tips for wealth and health is to always keep your master bedroom at south west zone to ensure stabilty in your life.
  6. No. 6 vastu tip for wealth and health is to always sleep in such a position that your head should point towards south direction.
  7. No. 7 vastu tip for wealth and health is to always keep medicines in the north east direction of your place.
  8. No. 8 vastu tips for wealth and health is to always cook food in south-east of your place and while cooking, keep your face towards east direction.
  9. No. 9 vastu tips for wealth and health is to always keep east direction of your place more and more open so that sunlight can come inside and remove all vastu dosh if any present there.
  10. No. 10 vastu tip is that one should never make toilet in the north east otherwise big problems will find their way to your place resulting in a bad life

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